EnterprisePlatform Products
SSI EnterprisePlatform Solution (Video)
This new line of products from SSI enables the enormous wealth of engineering information in a product data model, such as the ShipConstructor Marine Information Model (MIM), to be available across an organization. Through automated processes, this suite of products gathers, formats and provides meaningful, actionable information for distribution and consumption across the entire organization. Other departments, software applications, production equipment, people, programs and processes are provided the exact information, as-&-when they need it to fulfill their responsibilities. The SSI EnterprisePlatform generates information in the correct format and representation needed for varying use cases and brings a product-focused approach to enterprise-wide availability of engineering data that is cost-effective, scalable, configurable, consistent, and transparent.
Share Engineering Information from the Marine Information Model with: Processes |
Tools PLM ERP MRP —————————- Machines CNC Profiling Machines Welding Robots |
Supported File Formats: • Images • DWF • DXF • PCF • SAT • STEP • Excel • CNC |
• IGES • eBOM • mBOM • XML • Microsoft Project (mpp) • Navisworks • DWG per part • 4D Simulation • Undetailed DWG • Profile cutting information • Tab separated values (TSV |
PublisherLT was the first EnterprisePlatform product released and was made available in 2014, quickly becoming popular with clients. PublisherLT streamlines and automates the generation of engineering information from the Marine Information Model in a wide variety of formats. Engineers and designers automate the generation of information for other stakeholders and focus on their core design/modeling tasks.
Publisher extends the information sharing capacity to all departments, processes and tools without the need of local ShipConstructor installations or knowledge. Any department can pull data from the Marine Information Model in the format they need and information can be pushed to PLM, ERP and MRP systems as well as production machines.
The InformationHub is the centerpiece of the EnterprisePlatform and keeps all systems connected. It orchestrates the processing of multiple information requests.
ProjectViewer enables your team to quickly access the latest output published with SSI EnterprisePlatform. It enables a large group of people to tap into a common bank of published project documentation updated on a continual basis.
A node is a physical or virtual workstation that can parallel process multiple information requests and repackage them in the format required. Unlimited nodes can be connected to the InformationHub to increase the processing capacity of the system, allowing for a scalable implementation.
The JobServer provides the ability to schedule automated requests for information and configure the delivery of results.
SSI EnterprisePlatform Component Diagram
Purchasing Information
SSI EnterprisePlatform software is sold via SSI’s global network of dealers.
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